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Still Worried About the Sound of an Equestrian Air Vest?

After this many years, still the number one question I get is, “Will the sound of an air vest spook my horse?” This is a video of Doug Payne on Starr Witness at the Land Rover 3-Day doing the 4*. He had a series of unfortunate events. He was wearing an air vest, fell off, and went over the horse's head.
Took the bridle with him!
But what you may not know about this mare is that she is EXTREMELY sound sensitive. She will scoot out from under you if she hears something behind her.
But even with an air vest going off and thousands of people watching, she took a look and stuck her head down and ate some grass, because you know, she was hungry.
After it was all said and done, Doug popped right up, was able to walk right up to the mare, put her bridle back on and call it a day.
Pretty big stage to have all that happen.
But if you're worried about the sound of an air vest, you should actually be more worried about what could happen to you without one.

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